Date Massachusetts Cannabis Laws passed: November 8, 2016
Citizens of Massachusetts that are adults aged 21+ can possess on their person away from their homes up to 1 oz or 28 grams of marijuana.
On the other hand, you can possess up to 10 oz or 280 grams of marijuana within the comfortable confines of your home.
Plants per individual allowed to grow for medicinal or recreational purposes: Six plants with one adult individual and twelve for households with more than one adult.
Listen up Bay Staters! Your plants cannot be visible from the street. Remember, once you harvest, you can possess up to 10 oz at home!
Seems like the perfect reason to start your own grow at home!
Read more about Massachusetts cannabis laws.
Massachusetts Cannabis Laws Fun Fact
Massachusetts was the first state to CRIMINALIZE marijuana over a century ago. Thank goodness reason took over and legislators figured out that cannabis barrels don’t belong at the bottom of the Boston Harbor. Yes, that’s a bit of historical humor for your reference.
Bay Staters love to get high–annual sales are expected to top a whopping $1.37 billion by 2025. For a state that has only 7800 square land miles (there are a bunch of water miles, too), that’s a lot of weed smoking. In fact, that estimates out to $175,641 per square mile!
Whoa, like their much smaller Northeastern counterpart, Rhode Island, Bay Staters are adding plenty of pot smoke to the atmosphere above their very old state.
Featured Strain for Bay Staters:
In the spirit of the wild grapes the early settlers found on what is now Martha’s Vineyard, we recommend a Medusa Seed Bank original Private Reserve cannabis strain that has a hint of grape in the flavor palette: Tokyo Kong #4.
We think that Nathaniel Currier, who famously depicted the Boston Tea Party in “The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor” would have enjoyed painting how Bay Staters reacted when recreational cannabis was legalized.
Remember Bay Staters, Dank Seed = Dank Weed
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